
A workplace hazard is anything that can cause injury/illness to a person or damage to a property.

Recognizing Hazards:

There are two types of injuries/illnesses, acute and chronic. Examples of acute injuries/illnesses are; burns. bruises, and broken bones. Examples of chronic injuries/illnesses are; constant strain, loss of hearing, cancer.

There are 4 main types of hazards:

1) Biological Hazard: This hazard is created by living things. It usually happens when working with living things. Examples of a biological hazard are; blood, viruses, animal droppings.

2) Physical Hazard:  This hazard is created by factors like unsafe working equipment, ongoing noise, or high exposure to heat or cold.

3) Ergonomic Hazard: This hazard is created by poor/weak workplace structure and processes. Things like weak lighting, or  doing the same same repetitive movement again and again.

4) Chemical Hazard: This hazard is created by dangerous materials that are combustible, flammable or poisonous.

Along with these hazards there are also social and psychological hazards to consider. Things like co-worker conflict, bad working conditions, assault, threatening, and ab use.


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