Hello there! Young Workers!

This Website is all about  YOUR Health and Safety in the workplace. As a young worker there are a lot of things you may not know about the workplace. things that you should be told before you even step foot inside the workplace. Things that are essential to work safely. As a young worker you have the right to know what the workplace can and cannot ask you to do. Did you know, that if the work your employers want you to do, is unsafe you can deny doing the task? But this isn't a website about getting out of doing work. This website about getting to know what your rights in the workplace are and how to keep yourself safe and healthy in the workplace.

What are hazards?

A Hazard is anything that can harm you or make you ill. You encounter hazards in everyday life doing the simplest things like walking to school. These hazards become more dangerous and more prone in a workplace, if you are under trained or careless. This website will teach you about what can happened, what already happened to others and how to prevent hazard from occurring. If you can prevent it there's no reason it should ever happend.

So go ahead and EXPLORE, there's lots to LEARN !

© Sanjot Sidhu (SHSS)

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